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Between Thalassia and Adamus, a world without magic was created. In Inorath, the technological and rationalist view has led to a literal crusade against all kinds of faith in the supernatural, so the existence of magic is denied and treated as a serious heresy. Here Dolcan made his nest against the love of Kalarari and Camus, and to this day, the mage knight hunts the couple's descendants through the cosmos, aiming to find the last planet where the two hid.

The History in Inorath

Inorath was the planet where Camus and Kalarari ended up stopping when the Thalassian empire was destroyed, the story here takes place thousands of years after the gods left and focuses on a direct descendant of the couple, Princess Elisangela.
One detail, Inorath is totally technological, it's in a different age than Adamus, they already travel through the cosmos. Inorath is a monarchist and parliamentarian, with the house of the Dolcans as unifying leadership.

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